The Word


Thus Saith The Word - by William Cook (Cape Town, South Africa)

* Statement Of Faith

* The Dragon And The King

* The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit

* The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit (Part 2)

* The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit (Part 3)

* Error In The Ministry! [An open letter to Jimmy and Donnie Swaggart]

* The Ministry Of The Holy Spirit (Part 4)

* Will The Real Jesus Stand Up?

* Is Jimmy Swaggart For Real?

* King David and Jimmy Swaggart [Correction by God’s prophet]

* The Signs Of The Times... [Coming Of Jesus Christ]

* The Signs Of The Times... [Coming Of Jesus Christ (Part 2)]

* What Has Gone Wrong At Jimmy Swaggart Ministries?

* Why Did Jesus Have To Die?

* Spiritual High Treason

* Spiritual High Treason (Part 2)

* Spiritual High Treason (Part 3)

* Let Us Work With God And Not Only For Him

* The Deception That Is Oprah Winfrey!

* What Has Gone Wrong At Jimmy Swaggart Ministries? (Part 2)

The Word Became Flesh


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