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The following letter-form was brought about as a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. And of course, quite naturally so, that’s the reason I begin these letters with "Dear Children" and end them with "Love Dad". So for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in mind.


Print/PDF17 August, 2014


Dear Children,


Without a doubt, Jack T. Chick and his “Chick tracts/comics” have made a very positive impact on the world around us for the “Glory Of God” and the “Gospel Of Jesus Christ”. And for the most part, up until a few weeks ago that is, there were only two (2) things that I can remember being taught in these “Chick tracts/comics” that I considered error:


Demons* On page 12 of the Crusader Comic “Angel Of Light”, Chick says the following: “Satan’s fallen angels became unclean spirits or demons”. However, the truth of the matter is that “demons” are really the “disembodied spirits of the Nephilim that were the unnatural offspring of human women having sexual intercourse with the fallen angels”. Unlike “demons”, the “fallen angels” have “spirit bodies” and have no need to inhabit (take possession of) the bodies of humans. (Note: This error is also taught in Chick’s most recent tract “What’s Worse?”) (See “Demons Or Unclean Spirits” at “” for more on the subject.)

* On page 20 of the Crusader Comic “Chaos!”, Chick says the following: “Astronomers disclose that there is a great empty space in the North of the nebula of the constellation of Orion… its exquisite beauty and luminous colors are unlike any on this earth… This could well be the entrance into the glory of Heaven, that we’ll pass through at the rapture.” However, the truth of the matter is that the “constellation of Orion” is symbolic of the “Antichrist” and not “Christ”. The “spirit of Antichrist” will emanate from the “constellation of Orion” during “The Tribulation” after the rapture of the Church. (See “Ellen G. White, Seventh-Day Adventist, And The Antichrist!” at “” for more on the subject.)




So, up until a few weeks ago those were my only concerns with the “Chick tracts/comics”. But then came the April 2014 publication of Chick’s “Just One More” tract… and what a bomb that one turned out to be! I mean, never in my wildest nightmares would I have ever imagined Jack T. Chick publishing a tract that promotes the damnable doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved” (OSAS)… but he did!


All I could think about were the poor souls that might read this tract and believe in what’s being taught concerning one’s “salvation” being “eternally secure” after having only made an initial commitment to serving Jesus as Lord. I mean, it just ain’t that easy!


Just One More


The life-long journey of serving Christ as Lord is hard! In fact Jesus, in no uncertain terms, drove home the point in the following Scripture of just how much suffering would be required by those who “believe” they’ve decided to follow Him:


“And there went great multitudes with him [Jesus]: and he turned, and said unto them, If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it? Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish… So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple.” (Luke 14:25-33 KJV)


It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us:” (2 Timothy 2:11-12 KJV)


You see there are many (multitudes) that start out on this “journey with Jesus”. However most, due to the enormous amount of suffering required along the way, turn back (deny Jesus) before their “salvation journey” has been made complete.


For many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14 KJV)


Jesus’ warning is to “count the cost of salvation”. Because even though “salvation is free” – paid for by the precious Blood of Jesus – “it will cost you your life” to keep it!


And every one that hath forsaken houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit everlasting life.” (Matthew 19:29 KJV)


Now with Chick’s “Just One More” tract in mind, I began to wonder if it was really the only tract throughout the years in which Jack T. Chick openly promoted the damnable doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved”. So as the Lord directed, I sent out the following email request to some of his close associates and even a few “Chick tract collectors” that I found on the Internet:


Have you seen Jack Chick's latest tract?
I find it hard to believe, but I see nothing less than OSAS doctrine being promoted on page 21. Do you see the same?


Well, it was much to my amazement that my email brought about a response that had me focus on a 1987 tract that’s no longer in print. In fact this tract – “The Four Brothers” – was only available for a few months before it was pulled from production and was “no more” until some nineteen (19) years later (2006) when Chick resurrected it as a new tract entitled “Four Angels?” And according to one source, even though the artwork basically stayed the same, the message presented in the tract changed dramatically. In fact, this is what he had to say about it:


In this updated version, it is clear that only ONE boy prayed the "sinner's prayer." And he (Henry) is the only one who goes to heaven at the end. It is apparent that Chick wanted to make it clear that if one kneels and says the sinner's prayer, he can't later lose his salvation; the second/updated version was put out for the purpose of making this completely clear. This is why "The Four Brothers" is a collector's item; it is no longer in print.


Now even though I received the preceding information before having actually seen a copy of “The Four Brothers” tract, (they’re as scarce as hen’s teeth), I was able to discern through what was said, and by reading the updated “Four Angels?” version, that the message presented in the original tract was actually “Once Saved NOT Always Saved” instead of the damnable doctrine of “Once Saved Always Saved” as my informant friend wants to believe.


So with all this “new” information in mind, it became abundantly obvious that Jack T. Chick was in trouble… and likewise so was everyone else that read his “Just One More” tract and believed in what he had said concerning “Once Saved Always Saved”. They had to be warned! And, of course, the best way to accomplish this task was through the writing of the 7/27/14 sermonet entitled “Jack T. Chick – Founder Of Chick Publications – Is In Critical Condition!” We wrote it, we posted it on the Internet for the whole wide world to read, and we sent Jack T. Chick a copy in hopes that he would receive God’s correction and make the needed changes to “Just One More”.


And having said all that, we can now proceed with this message of today: “‘The Four Brothers’ Tract And Jack T. Chick’s Sin!” Because, you see, Jack T. Chick has yet to respond to our “Jack T. Chick – Founder Of Chick Publications – Is In Critical Condition!” sermonet, and he is still very much so in “critical condition” concerning his very own salvation. I mean, after all, “Once Saved NOT Always Saved!”


God’s Cartoonist Now in order to prepare this sermonet for today, it was absolutely necessary that I obtain a copy of “The Four Brothers” tract. And even though I found a copy being auctioned off on eBay for a mere $30.00 (starting bid), by the time I came to my senses concerning the availability of this tract it had already been sold. However, it was by the grace of God that Kurt Kuersteiner, creator of “” ( and producer of the DVD documentary “God’s Cartoonist – The Comic Crusade Of Jack Chick” ( chickflick.html), was kind enough to provided me with a scanned copy of his personal copy of “The Four Brothers” tract. Amen!


All right, so in 1987 Jack T. Chick produced a tract – “The Four Brothers" – that was based on Jesus’ "Parable Of The Sower" (Matthew 13:3-23, Mark 4:2-20, and Luke 8:4-15) with it's “four" (4) types of “human hearts” (soil) into which God’s “Word of salvation” (seed) has been sown:


“And he [Jesus] spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;” (Matthew 13:3 KJV)


“And he [Jesus] taught them many things by parables, and said unto them in his doctrine, Hearken; Behold, there went out a sower to sow: (Mark 4:2-3 KJV)


“And when much people were gathered together, and were come to him out of every city, he [Jesus] spake by a parable: A sower went out to sow his seed:” (Luke 8:4-5 KJV)


So now that we have a copy of “The Four Brothers” tract, we can compare it page by page, frame by frame, to Chick’s “Four Angels?” tract and thereby prove that this revision was not made for the purpose that so many might believe: “Chick wanted to make it clear that if one kneels and says the sinner's prayer, he can't later lose his salvation”. Because the “Four Angels?” tract was Jack T. Chick’s “compromise” of God’s Word concerning “Once Saved NOT Always Saved” that he originally presented in “The Four Brothers” tract. And, of course, that “compromise” was a “sin” that has yet to be repented of and put under the Blood of Jesus!


4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Now, up until the last frame shown above, both tracts have delivered the same basic message. The major difference between the two (2) is that some of the “rough” speech used in “The Four Brothers” has been made a bit smoother in the “Four Angels?


However, it’s in the last frame that we notice a radical change in the message when Chick changed “The Word of God was sown into their hearts” to “The Word of God was sown by the preacher”. They do NOT mean the same thing! I mean, after all, Jesus’ "Parable Of The Sower" says, “the word that was sown in their hearts”.


You see the evangelist that preached his “Hell fire and damnation” message during the last night of the tent revival, was sowing the seed (God’s Word of salvation) to all those in the sound of his voice. However, it was only in those that responded to his warning, by believing in what he had preached, that this “seed” actually became “sown into their hearts”. And as can be seen in the somber faces of the four (4) brothers in the last frame above, the “Word of God” concerning the reality of Hell and their dire need of the Saviour was definitely “sown in their hearts”:


The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” (Proverbs 9:10 KJV)


So, it’s in this last frame of the “Four Angels?” that Jack T. Chick begins his “OSAS labor for Satan” by compromising the Word of God that was originally presented in “The Four Brothers” tract! And, of course, the message in the “Four Angels?” tract only goes downhill in a demonized Hell-bound fashion from there:


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Now just as the Lord had originally intended, all four (4) of the brothers in “The Four Brothers” tract received the evangelist’s invitation to escape the “fires of Hell” by “accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour” after having had “the seed of God’s Word sown into their hearts”.


However, in the “Four Angels?” tract Jack T. Chick continued his diabolical journey for Satan by showing that only one (1) of the four (4) brothers actually “accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour” with the other three (3) brothers only faking it. And it’s this major change in the storyline of the “Four Angels?” tract that certifies it to be the counterfeit that it is. In other words, the message of the “Four Angels?” is NOT the strong message of Jesus’ “Parable Of The Sower” – “Once Saved NOT Always Saved” – that was originally written into “The Four Brothers” tract!


And with all that in mind, let’s continue with our comparison:


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


So, once again, “The Four Brothers” tract was based on Jesus’ “Parable Of The Sower”. And in that parable there are four (4) types of “human hearts” (soil) into which God’s “Word of salvation” (seed) has been sown… with Frank being an example of #1:


1. Word (seed) sown by the wayside
2. Word (seed) sown in stony ground
3. Word (seed) sown among thorns
4. Word (seed) sown in good ground


Now as can be seen in the preceding frames of “The Four Brothers”, it was after having had “the seed of God’s Word sown into his heart” that Frank “accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour” when he responded to the “altar call” of the evangelist: “Those of you who want to be saved and serve the Lord, come forward.” And it was later on that night, with the “glow of the Holy Spirit” still upon him, that “Brother Frank” announced his calling of “pastor” that the Lord had put on his heart.


However, it was only the very next day that “Brother Frank” decided to “take back his life” by rejecting the calling that Jesus had put on his life… and all because of his girlfriend! “Brother Frank” didn’t “considered the cost” of making Jesus his “Lord and Saviour”… and his salvation was “no more”! And Frank “played church” for the rest of his life. “But yet the “Four Angels?” tract implied that he was never even saved!!!


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


And moving on along, let’s now take a look at “Brother Bobby” and see how he made out on his “journey with Jesus”:


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Well, as can be seen in the preceding frames of “The Four Brothers”, it was after having had “the seed of God’s Word sown into his heart” that Bobby “accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour” when he responded to the “altar call” of the evangelist: “Those of you who want to be saved and serve the Lord, come forward.” And it was later on in his life that Brother Bobby truly “served the Lord” as he labored to produce “fruit” for the glory of God by witnessing “Jesus” to those in his work place.


However, it was right about the time Brother Bobby’s boss confronted him about his witnessing at work to his co-workers – “you’re making a fool of yourself, so knock off this Jesus stuff… or else” – that he decided to stop “serving the Lord” in order to keep his job! It seems as though “Brother Bobby” didn’t “considered the cost” of making Jesus his “Lord and Saviour”… and even though he verbally expressed it – “I accept you, Lord” – while kneeling at the altar during that tent meeting revival so many years before.


So Bobby “denied Christ” in “The Four Brothers”, and kept his job, and thereby became example #3 in Jesus’ “Parable Of The Sower”. And his salvation was “no more”!


He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful.” (Matthew 13:22 KJV)


And now let’s take a look at “Brother Charles” and see how he made out on his “journey with Jesus”:


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


So as can be seen in the preceding frames of “The Four Brothers”, it was after having had “the seed of God’s Word sown into his heart” that Charles “accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour” when he responded to the “altar call” of the evangelist: “Those of you who want to be saved and serve the Lord, come forward.” And it was later on in his life that Brother Charles attended the “theological seminary” in order to prepare himself to “serve the Lord” in his “God-calling” of “pastor”.


However, it was somewhere along the way in his studies to become a “Doctor of Divinity” that Brother Charles’ “pastoral purpose” made an abrupt change from “glorifying God” to “glorifying Charles”… which most certainly included his fleshly indulgencies of “pornography” and “fornication”. I mean, after all, in order to make it as a big-time “T.V. Pastor”, one must excuse the vices of sin and certainly not condemn them.


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


So Charles practiced what he preached, (which was nothing but the lie of the Devil), and his salvation was “no more”! In fact Charles’ younger brother Henry had it right by calling him “Old Slick”… which is also another name for Satan:


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44 KJV)


And speaking of “Brother Henry”, let’s now take a look at how he made out on his “journey with the Lord”:


4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Well, just as the angel predicted in the beginning of the tract, Henry did great! As can be seen in the preceding frames of “The Four Brothers”, it was after having had “the seed of God’s Word sown into his heart” that Henry “accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour” when he responded to the “altar call” of the evangelist: “Those of you who want to be saved and serve the Lord, come forward.” And it was later on in his life that Brother Henry truly “served the Lord” in his God-calling of “street minister” as he labored to produce “fruit” for the glory of God among the street people.


And these are they which are sown on good ground; such as hear the word, and receive it, and bring forth fruit, some thirtyfold, some sixty, and some an hundred.” (Mark 4:20 KJV)


So Brother Henry “considered the cost” of his salvation and became example #4 in Jesus’ “Parable Of The Sower” by choosing to lose his life for Jesus in order to save it. I mean, after all, Brother Henry truly understood the situation at hand that night at the altar when he made the following plea: “I don’t want to go to hell. Save me, Jesus.” Brother Henry meant what he said… and he didn’t let anything get in his way.


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Brother Henry meant business… and he wasn’t about to let his “love of family” get in the way. So Brother Henry spoke God’s Truth… regardless of whom ever it might offend.


4 Brothers – 4 Angels


Now even though Chick did not use one (1) of Jesus’ four (4) examples from the “Parable Of The Sower” to describe Charles in “The Four Brothers” tract, there is no doubting the fact that Charles “accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour” when he responded to the “altar call” of the evangelist that night so many years before. I mean, after all, the Scripture (Hebrews 10:29) that Brother Henry used to describe Charles’ backslidden and Hell-bound condition only applies to those that were “once saved”:


For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversariesOf how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?… The Lord shall judge his people. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:26-31 KJV)


You see as a “born again” Believer, Charles knew what was right in the Eyes of God, and through the Holy Spirit he had the power to do what was right in the Eyes of God, but yet he chose to do wrong. And it’s because of this fact that he was “cursed” beyond measure… and Brother Henry let him know it in no uncertain terms!


4 Brothers – 4 Angels

4 Brothers – 4 Angels


So there you have it! What an abomination!!! Jack T. Chick spoke “God’s uncompromised Truth” – “Once Saved NOT Always Saved” – in his 1987 tract “The Four Brothers” before “killing” that same tract only a few months later. Did the persecution get too intense from his “Once Saved Always Saved” Baptist brethren? And did Jack T. Chick forget about Brother Paul’s admonition to him?


Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” (Philippians 2:12-16 KJV)


Well, needless to say, Jack T. Chick ignored Brother Paul’s warning! Because it was only some nineteen (19) years later (2006) that he “compromised God’s Truth” as originally established in his 1987 tract “The Four Brothers” by producing a resurrected “neutered” version that avoided the reality of “Once Saved NOT Always Saved”. I wonder if the writing of “Four Angels?” might have somehow eased the guilt of his conscience for pulling “The Four Brothers”.


But anyway, the truth of this matter is that Jack T. Chick has committed a grievous sin against the Lord God Almighty… and his judgment will be no different than the three (3) un-repented brothers in “The Four Brothers” tract! In fact it’s no coincidence that Jack T. Chick shared the following “experience” in his most recent “Battle Cry” letter:



A Message From Jack Chick
Issue Date: July/August 2014


Dear ones in Christ,


Last week my wife handed me a letter from the Superior Court to appear for jury duty. It appeared very intimidating. But now that I’m 90 with a few health problems, I just might miss having to go.


But one day all of us will get a summons from God to appear before Him in judgment. And we won’t be able to get out of it, because the Lord will send an angel to bring us. A court room can be very scary. When the judge comes in, everyone stands in respect. But imagine how each of us will feel at the Judgment Seat of Christ, when we face the Lord! It makes me shudder. Every bad thing we did as believers will be played back. And things we thought would be acceptable will be burned up. God’s word says in 1 Peter 4:18, “And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?”


So many living today haven’t the slightest thought of judgment after death. Who will warn them? When we Christians stand before the Lord, all the wood, hay and stubble of what we thought were good works for God will be burnt up (1 Corinthians 3:11-15). Think of all the times we didn’t show a lost soul that we cared, by giving him or her a gospel tract. That will be burned up, too. But we can remedy all that, starting today.


We are involved in the most important job on earth: to win souls. By giving the message of salvation in a tract that they can carry with them and read on their own, you may open the doors of salvation to someone you haven’t even the time to talk to. And those works won’t get burned up.


Think about it, Beloved.


Your brother in Christ,


Jack Chick



Jack T. Chick’s most recent “experience” is no coincidence! Unlike his letter from the Superior Court to appear for jury duty, he will not be able to use an excuse of “poor health” to exempt him from the court proceedings on Judgment Day when the Lord God Almighty will sentence him to an everlasting Hell for his un-repented sin concerning “The Four Brothers” tract:


Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:20-23 KJV)


It was the “Will of the Father” that Jack T. Chick publish “The Four Brothers”! Jack T. Chick needs to banish the “Four Angels?” tract to the pit of Hell from which it came and reinstate “The Four Brothers” tract before it’s too late! Please pray that he does so, and also encourage him with your words. This is how you can contact him:


Mail: P.O. Box 3500, Ontario, CA 91761
E-mail: Jack Chick %
Phone: (909) 987-0771
Fax: (909) 941-8128
Physical Address: 8780 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730


In closing, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” And I can’t help but think of all the wonderful tracts Jack T. Chick has produced for the “Glory Of God” that will be completely ignore on Judgment Day if he doesn’t repent of his sin concerning “The Four Brothers” tract. I mean after all, God is not a liar… He means what He says:


“Son of man, I have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me… Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumblingblock before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul.” (Ezekiel 3:17, 20-21 KJV)


The Lord God Almighty will not excuse un-repentance! Jack T. Chick needs to repent of his sin and get things right with the Lord before it’s too late!


Once Saved NOT Always Saved!


I have done as the Lord has instructed me to do… so that I too might “keep on keeping the faith in Jesus!!!




Dad (Bruce Hallman)


PS: A printable copy of “The Four Brothers” is available at “”.


PPS: See “Jack T. Chick - Founder Of Chick Publications - Is In Serious Condition!” and “Jack T. Chick Is Not Saved: His Jesus Is Not Lord!” for more on this subject.





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